Create Average Matrix

See also

A screen shot showing the Create Average Matrix tool interface.

This is the geoprocessing interface for the createAverageMatrix function in the mma module.

If multiple skims are developed representing a consistent set of potential O-D pairs (using a travel time window or alternative network parameters, e.g.), it may be desirable to summarize the average impedance between each O-D pair describing a single “typical” impedance. The createAverageMatrix function facilitates such an analysis.

Workspace : ArcGIS workspace
ArcGIS Workspace object (file folder, geodatabase, etc.) or string representing the path to the workspace location where input skim tables are stored.
Skims tables : [String…]
A selection of file names within workspace to reference in developing average impedance values between each potential O-D pair listed in zones_table.
Name field : Field
The name of the field in each skims table file containing O-D zone ID information. The field must by a string field formatted as “{origin_id} - {destiantion_id}”. It must be present in all skims table files to be analyzed.
Impedance field : Field
The name of the field in each skims table file containing impedance information. The field must have a numeric type. The field must have the same name in all skims table files to be analyzed.
Zones table : String
Path to an ArcGIS table or name of an ArcGIS table view in the active data frame containing the set of zones expected to be found in the skims tables files.
Zone ID field : String
The name of the field in zones table containing zone ID information. Unique values in this field are used to construct an O-D matrix that is used to calculated average travel times.
Output table : String
Full path to an ArcGIS table where the average O-D impedances will be stored.